
The Righteousness of God: A Commentary on Romans is unavailable, but you can change that!

Romans is a personal book for the author. As a child, he suffered from a bed-ridden illness. His grandmother gave him the Bible to read and it was in Paul’s letter to the Romans when the Holy Spirit began to deal directly with him. Custer has studied Romans from the Greek Testament and has preached through Romans in church and taught it in seminary classes. In the Introduction, the author...

violence of criminals. Civil law and order is a benefit to believers as well as to citizens in general. “Wherefore it is a necessity to be subject, not only on account of wrath, but also on account of conscience” (v. 5). It is dangerous for any person to disregard his conscience. Believers need to have a biblically educated conscience so that they obey God and government, but in that order. The prophet Daniel is a great example of this very distinction (Dan. 6:3–24). “For on account of this you are
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